IE7 and Security

I just received a helpful email from Christian Jacobsson. Christian has isolated the basic security settings required to enable IE7.

They are:

By default, all of the above settings are turned on.

IE7 uses ActiveX to load external CSS files. There is a way to load CSS files without ActiveX but it would require the files to be marked up as XML. This is not as easy as it sounds as the resulting file should also be valid CSS. However, thanks to Jimmy Cerra, there is a solution to this. I will probably add the option to use this markup style and avoid the dependency on ActiveX.

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Why can’t you just load it like a style switcher does? Or (if that only switches sheets – never used one) create a new style tag to add to the head section? The latter works with scripts. Something like:

function loadCSS(cssSrc){
	var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0);
	x = document.createElement('link');
	x.src = cssSrc
	x.type = 'text/css';
	x.rel = 'stylesheet';
	//script = document.createElementNS(xhtml,'link');	//something like this for xhtml mime type

I think you have to give it a name, then call it, though.

  • Comment by: stylo~
  • Posted:

Why can’t you just load it like a style switcher does?

Because I want to load the file into memory not directly into the DOM.

  • Comment by: -dean
  • Posted:


It seems that the solution no longer works in IE 6 SP 2. Therefore, use the following pattern:

function loadFile(url) {
	var newFrame = document.createElement("xml");
	newFrame.async = false;
	return newFrame.load(url) ? getNodeString(newFrame) : "";

function getNodeString(node) {
	return (node.nodeValue !== null) ? node.nodeValue : getChildrenString(node.childNodes);

function getChildrenString(children) {
	var nodeString = "", numOfChildren = children.length;
	for (var ii = 0; numOfChildren > ii; ii++)
		nodeString += getNodeString(children[ii]);
	return nodeString;

That’s a little more elegant than the previous version. Here’s a demo (that I may take down if I run out of online disk space). It seems that the behavior of node.nodeValue changed between revisions of Internet Explorer. I haven’t tested that with IE 6 SP 1, since I no longer have access to that version!

— Jimmy Cerra

Jim’s revision for IE6 SP2 works in my copy of IE6 SP1. Not sure what interim patches I may have, but I’d guess that it should work for all IE6.

Jim’s demo does NOT work in Mozilla/Firefox. But he wasn’t targetting that, because he’s working on IE-specific problems, just as IE7 is. In Mozilla/Firefox, I think you can just use XMLHttpRequest::responseText.

Loading CSS into memory via ActiveX seems a bit, well, “silly” to me, and potentially quite resource-intensive?

However, will it mean that the browser will actually assign .style properties to elements that have their CSS rules assigned by stylesheet only? I’ve just had to do a take on one of those old “loop through all of document.styleSheets and their rules, until you find one with the desired selector” procedures; except that I appended the matching rules’ style.cssText string to the element’s.

This worked for IE6 and Firefox — except that, of course, IE doesn’t assign for properties in the inline style=”” attribute of an element; so I was limited to setting script-accessable rules by either method, but not both (and only in one stylesheet — and a single rule, it seems, too). Which isn’t _too_ bad; it’s just the opposite of what used to happen with older browsers, which is strange…

I’m a bit confused by all of this, having never really used XmlHttpRequest yet, or got the hang of it — or even worked with XML, in fact. Please explain what you mean by “load into memory” — surely you mean script memory; and surely that’s already sort-of covered by document.styleSheets anyway?

  • Comment by: trojjer
  • Posted:

trojjer, IE7 has to reload style sheets because Internet Explorer trashes style rules that it does not understand. CSS2/3 selectors are stored as UNKNOWN in the rules collection.

  • Comment by: -dean
  • Posted:

Dean, I spent some time working on the problem of AJAX without ActiveX, and have a solution. Basically, you create an iframe loader. A working example of it is in my hack of the Sajax project

Feel free to rip out the iframe code and use it yourself.

  • Comment by: Kae Verens
  • Posted:

Kae – I’m not sure that iframes can be used to load style sheets. If you can work out how I’d be interested.:-)

  • Comment by: -dean
  • Posted:

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